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Saturday, 14 May 2011

"Beware of acid splash"

I think we also need to wear full face helmet…for safety…

Dear Colleagues especially LADIES,

Last Friday night, 6th May 2011 I was at the KLH Hospital Emergency Unit – I taken back by this crowd of family waiting for a family member in the emergency unit. I asked one of the family members, why they are at the emergency and they said that their sister was just splashed with acid or some kind of alkaline near Puduraya at 8.00pm. (This route is quite near to our area). Anyway, this victim was splashed directly to her face and some of the liquid went in her throat thus making her throat swollen and has difficulty in breathing. One of her eyes was also splashed. Her friends were a bit lucky with some burns on their hands. At that time I was in the emergency unit, they have put a tube in her throat and if she has digested the liquid her stomach the damage done were unknown. Half an hour later, I heard another victim was splashed with acid at The Mall on the same night. The brother of this victim informed police to try and trace this guy from the CCTV from Puduraya to The Mall. Well, let’s hope that the police can apprehend this culprit soon.

These victims were attacked by a man on his motorbike, this person is wearing a black full faced helmet with black jacket and on a Honda motorbike. He has a bottle in his hand. He just splashes the liquid and hold the bottle. Once they managed to get the registration number of his motorbike but it was a fake one. He prowls at victims in a crowded area. It seems, he likes to splash on women with “tudung”.

Be careful, do NOT walk too near to the roadside where he can easily splash on you. Carry a bottle of water so that you can wash this liquid away if he splashes on you. Avoid crowded areas. Do NOT try to be helpful if a person on a motorbike try to ask for help, let a man help them. "Please convey to all friend and family member to be more alert".

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